Enter a seal record

This record is being submitted to the Dorset Seals Project. If you have a Dorset Seals Project account, please log in so that this sighting appears in your records. If you are not already registered with Dorset Seals Project you can register so that you don't have to fill in your details for every record. However, you can continue without registering by providing your details below. We ask for these in case we need to contact you when verifying your sighting. They will not be used for any other purpose.

Please provide your first name

Please provide your surname


Please provide your email address. This will only be used to contact you if we require further information to verify the record.


Please select "Uncertain seal species" if unsure.


If you took any photos, click the button below to upload them.

Please provide the location of the record. Use the map to search for a place then click or tap on the map to set it. Alternatively enter the lat/long reference directly if you know it.

Please indicate approximately how accurate you regard the given map reference to be.

Please tick all that apply. Any additional observations on the behaviour can be entered below.

Please select the predominant weather.

In filling in this form and providing us with your email address you are consenting to us contacting you about your sighting.

Where appropriate we would like to pass on the details of your sighting to the Dorset Environmental Records Centre in order for it to be of use in local and national conservation projects. This would include your name, but not your contact details. Please tick if you are happy for us to do this.

We will never give your information to any other organisation to use for their own purposes.
